The Art of Leadership

We appreciate it when our guests share their stories with us and allow us to post them on our blog. Mary Fitzgerald, from Malibu, CA, wrote us this short letter about her adventure with us in the Copper Canyon:

As a veteran traveler I have worked with many tour guides, some more adept than others, but none more earnest and attentive than [The California Native guide] Rob. Being far the oldest member of our travel group I had some concern about keeping up with the rest. Rob was always there to be of support when needed, but never offensively obvious.

This young man has an astounding fund of knowledge about almost everything, and he had a thorough answer for the endless questions our group posed. In addition, when situations arose that might provoke anxiety, Rob had a quiet way of taking charge to reassure us. This is the art of leadership.

Tour leading is not an easy task. One must be all things to all travelers, and relentlessly pleasant, no matter how trying. Rob did an excellent job. I found him to be very well qualified, and would travel with him again.

Mary Fitzgerald
Malibu, CA

The Copper Canyon has spectacular views!
The Copper Canyon has spectacular views!
Tarhumara men demonstrating traditional dances
Tarhumara men demonstrating traditional dances.
Riding the first class Chepe train through the Sierra Madres.
Riding the first class Chepe train through the Sierra Madres.
Cruising through the Copper Canyon in style!
Cruising through the Copper Canyon in style!

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