Everything I Could Have Imagined in a Tour to the Yucatan

The ruins of Mesoamerican cities are found throughout Mexico and visited on California Native tours of the Yucatan and Chiapas.

Our trip to the Mayan archaeological sites in the Yucatan was everything I could have imagined, if I’d known enough about the area to be able to imagine it fully.

Our guide, Jorge, was perfect for the group and worked as a team with the driver, Ernesto. In fact, when one of our party injured her foot, Ernesto stepped up and managed her wheelchair during the next touring day.

We didn’t just visit the Mayan archaeological sites, we explored, climbed pyramids, and learned the significance of what we were seeing. Our group was varied in the amount members were able to do physically, but I believe each felt they got the maximum out of the trip.

Hotels were varied, from an historic hacienda to a modern, “hacienda-themed” hotel, to an “archaeologically-themed” hotel, to just nice, modern accommodations, but all were clean and comfortable.

I’d love to travel with California Native again.

Judith Geary
Boone, NC

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