Her Uncle Rode With Pancho Villa

Francisco "Pancho" Villa and Ricardo Gonzalez
Ricardo Gonzalez, great uncle of Bessie "Crickett" Quijada.

A few weeks ago we received a very interesting comment from Bessie "Crickett" Quijada regarding our article, A Visit With Mrs. Pancho Villa. I contacted her and she agreed to share some of her photos with us.

In her comment Mrs. Quijada told us “My grand mother’s brother, Ricardo Gonzales, rode with The General Pancho Villa. In the Military Classics Illustrated (News Letter) there is a photo of My great uncle Ricardo on horseback along with Pancho Villa and about 5 or 6 other riders. My uncle is to Pancho Villas left. I have a photo of my uncle with Mrs Pancho Villa (Dona Luz) taken at La Quinta Manor where she lived until her death. The Villa’s manor is a museum in Chihuahua, MX. In the Military Classics Illustrated along with the photo of my uncle with Pancho Villa there is an article titled, The Villistas: Soldiers in Sombreros and Suit Coats By Don Fuchik.”

The author she refers to, Don Fuchik, was a very close friend of mine from the time we were 13-years old until his death a few years ago. He was also a consultant for The California Native and led many of our trips through Mexico’s Copper Canyon.

Pancho Villa and Luz Corral de Villa Dona Luz Corral de Villa with Ricardo Gonzalez
Pancho Villa and his wife, Luz Corral de Villa, in 1914. Dona Luz Corral de Villa with Ricardo Gonzalez in 1967.

Crickett was born in Denver, Colorado and grew up in Stockton, California. She now lives in Fresno. She describes herself as being 67 going on 12, and never wants to grow up. She has eight children, two which she adopted, and two male pet hooded rats whom she adores (she claims that rats make great pets). Her nickname is Crickett and that is what she prefers to be called.

11 Replies to “Her Uncle Rode With Pancho Villa”

  1. Hi Lee, thank you for writing this article on my great uncle Ricardo Gonzalez with Francisco Villa and his wife Maria Luz Corral de Villa. He had three brothers. Jose, Simon and Daniel who was killed in WW11. also he had three sisters, my grandmother Prajedes, Epifania and Isabel, all children of Estefana ( Fanny ) Gagen and Pedro Gonzalez.

  2. I remember my Grandfather always with the funny hat and cane, I was with my Dad and my Grandfather (Ricardo Gonzalez) when this visit occurred

  3. This is so cool, Ricardo was my Great-Grandfather and Crickett and Alberto are my cousins.

  4. Hey! Does anyone happen to know a little bit more about Dona Maria Luz Corral? Do you know if she had any brothers or sisters? My family and I have been building a family tree of our family, the Corral’s, and since we only know of the Corral side we were hoping to find out more. Everyone has passed away in our blood line from the elderly side and can only hope to find out more about Maria through her family or if we could find out if Francisco Villas side of the family happen to know more about Maria Corral. We only know so much, but we have all been told by our (now deceased) grandparents that our family is related to Francisco Villas wife Dona Maria de la Luz Corral de Villa. I’m told my grandfather Joseph Louis Corral (born 1927)had a father named Leopoldo Corral and Leopoldos wifes name is Maria Ortiz Figueroa Corral (born 1888). We know Maria Luz had a father named Jose de Jesus Corral, but we haven’t pin pointed exactly if she had any brothers our cousins. We’re told Leopoldos aunt is Maria Luz Corral or sister. It’s unclear. I would appreciate any input if you guys have any and thanks a million!!!

  5. Also Leopoldo was a Police Officer in Mexico and was assassinated as well. This is all we know. Thanks for any help.

  6. Jonathan my mother Alejandra Corral’s grandmother was Benigna Corral which was Luz Corral Sister. She still has memory of her grandmother and my grandmother (my mother’s mom) knew Luz Corral around Durango and Buena Sevi. My great great grandfather talked a lot about Pancho Villa. Hope this helps.

  7. Silviano Cota is the gentleman to the right of Pancho Villa he is my Great grandfather.

  8. There is a mistake in this article. The photo above is a cropping from a well-used photo of Pancho Villa and his key men. However, her uncle in that photo is standing to the picture-left of Francisco Villa. The gentleman standing to picture-right in the photo above is actually Fidel Avila, who is my great uncle.

  9. My mom is Ricardo’s Gonzalez daughter.she is Ana Gonzalez. My grandfather had a small shack of a house on Clover Rd in the country. He lived with Tia Carolina Gonzalez Barton and uncle John.
    My mom told me some of the stories. When we visited Ricardo his chihuahuas would attack us. We talked. he gave advice, as I was young. He passed when I was 9 years old. His son, Ernesto Gonzalez, had a home acreage next door. Once my grandfather had coins on the kitchen table. I was about five years old.I stole a quarter.he called to town. My mom had me tracked down by my brother. As I walked to the store, he gave me a big talking. My grandfather, Ricardo, was an old soldier. He was very regimented.

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