For A Good Cause

Over the past 25 years there have been many changes in technology, and we have always tried to keep our offices as efficient as possible to keep our prices low and our quality high. This has created a room full of old computer equipment and other items that we no longer needed, most of which were in good working order, just a little out of date for us.

We searched for an earth-friendly and community-friendly way to dispose of these items. California Native employee Dave Klein went online and discovered Komputers 4R Kidz, a non-profit refurbishing program. Their mission is to help children of all ages acquire the technology and technology skills they need to succeed in the future by providing equitable access to technology resources.The Komputers 4 R Kids Program has been designed to address four key issues:

Komputers 4 R Kidz refurbishes donated computers for underserved kids.

  • E-waste
  • Computer to student ratio
  • Work Experience for Information Technology students
  • PC’s for underserved students due to economic, language and cultural barriers

They use the donated computers to aid in education on computers and computer repair, and what they can’t use they recycle, so it’s good for the kids and the environment.

The truck from Komputers 4 R Kidz pulled up last week in front of The California Native headquarters in Los Angeles and picked up monitors, computers, accessories, and other items they might use with the kids. We were proud to be able to donate these items to such a worthy cause, and to know that they will continue to be used to help others.

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