There’s Plenty To See In The Land Of Green!

Spring has sprung and what better time to visit Ireland, “Land of Green” than now. On our bicycle and walking adventures, you’ll travel down country roads past neolithic stone ruins, medieval castles, Iron Age forts, and prehistoric burial sites. Ireland has rugged mountains, sea-battered cliffs, quiet woodlands and beautiful lakes, and each time you turn a corner the scenery changes. In this fairy tale environment, it’s not hard to imagine that a leprechaun is watching you from just behind an ancient stone fence.

The mild climate, quiet country roads and wandering trails make bicycling or walking perfect ways to explore this colorful island country, where there are no language barriers, and the friendly Irish people make you feel at home. Whether walking or cycling we spend our nights at small family-run hotels and charming B&B’s and, of course, we enjoy the music and good cheer of Ireland’s famous pubs.

So join us on one of our bicycle or walking tours of Ireland.

Walking through the beautiful Irish countryside.
Walking through the beautiful Irish countryside.
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California Native president Lee Klein bicycling through Ireland.
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Poulnabrone, a megalithic passage tomb in the Burren
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After a fun day of travel you’ll enjoy traditional Irish food and drink.
So many amazing castles to see in Ireland!
So many amazing castles to see in Ireland!
So many amazing castles to see in Ireland!
Friendly Irish people make you feel at home


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Traditional Irish cottage
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Traditional Irish “Step Dancing”
Many beautiful and tranquil places to visit in Ireland
Many beautiful and tranquil places to visit in Ireland


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