President Obama to Visit Myanmar

This month, President Obama will become the first U.S. President to visit Myanmar (Burma). This historic visit will focus even more attention on this Southeast Asian country and its efforts to rejoin the international community.

For the last eight years, The California Native has been conducting tours in Myanmar. We invite you to join us before too many tourists discover the beauty and serenity of this destination.

The Shwedagon Pagoda is the most sacred Buddhist site in Myanmar.
The Shwedagon Pagoda, located in Yangon, is the most sacred Buddhist site in Myanmar. The pagoda, purported to be 2,500 years old, enshrines strands of Buddha's hair.
In Myanmar, a family celebrates a young boy's becoming a noviate monk.
In Myanmar, a family celebrates a young boy's becoming a noviate monk. Most young boys between the ages of 8 and 12 in Myanmar spend time wearing monk's robes and living in a monestery.
The U Bein Bridge, in Amarapura, Myanmar, is the world's longest teak bridge.
Built in the 1800's, The U Bein Bridge, in Amarapura, Myanmar, is the world's longest teak bridge at 1.2 km.

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