The Copper Canyon Trip Was Simply Wonderful!

Mexico's Copper Canyon is four times Larger than the Grand Canyon.
Mexico’s Copper Canyon is four times larger than the Grand Canyon.

We appreciate it when our guests share their stories, comments and photos with us and allow us to post them on our blog. Janie DeCelles, from Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA, traveled with us on our Copper Canyon 5-day Independent Trip and reported this:

The trip was simply wonderful! The enormity of the canyon is really incredible to witness!

Some of my favorite parts of the trip were the train ride to/from El Fuerte to Creel, hanging out between the cars and enjoying the fantastic scenery.

All of the transfers you planned worked out absolutely perfectly! The hotels you chose —in El Fuerte and El Mirador were amazing!

I have already recommended CalNative to several friends and will continue to do so!,

Janie DeCelles
Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA

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