The California Native Attends International Travel Expo in Vietnam

California Native's Lee Klein at banquet at International Travel Expo in Vietnam
California Native’s Lee Klein at banquet at International Travel Expo in Vietnam

Last month California Native’s founder and president, Lee Klein, flew to Vietnam to participate in ITE HCMC, the International Travel Expo in Ho Chi Minh City (previously Saigon), where he met with representatives from the many nations in the Southeast Asian tourist industry. Included in the conference were representatives from the government tourist boards, tour operators, and transportation companies in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, Taiwan, Malaysia Indonesia and the Philippines.

For many years the California Native has been operating exciting tours in Myanmar (Burma), China and Bhutan, and now it’s time to expand our offerings to other fascinating destinations in Asia.

Traffic in Vietnam is a mad melange of motorbikes and cars.
Traffic in Vietnam is a mad melange of motorbikes and cars.
California Native's Lee Klein at Saigon's War Relics Museum
California Native’s Lee Klein at Saigon’s War Relics Museum

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