“Our Trip was Great, Well Organized.”

We appreciate it when our guests share their stories, comments and photos with us and allow us to post them on our blog. Jirina Welch, from San Jose, California, traveled with us on our 14-day China, Tibet, Everest Adventure and wrote us this quick letter about her trip:

Hi, Lee.
As I promised, here are my comments to our trip to China. Our trip was great, well organized. All guides were professional and knowledgeable. Hotels nice and clean, personal polite and helpful.

With best regards,
Jirina Welch
San Jose, CA

Johang Temple in Lhasa Tibet.
Johang Temple in Lhasa Tibet.
Tibetan monks
Tibetan monks
Other statues were part of the Terracotta Army including war horses and carriages.
Terracotta Warriors
The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China


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